Server-Side Programming

Learning Programming Languages that Run on a Server


Server-side programming languages refer to languages that can be written into programs that are run on a server, or the backend. Some of these languages include Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, which have been in use for many years, contrasted with the use of newer languages like Rust and Golang. Languages like JavaScript can also be server-side languages if we use runtimes and frameworks like Node.js.

Server-side languages are split up mainly into two categories: compiled languages, like Java and Golang; and interpreted or scripting languages, like Ruby and Python.
Each of these categories has its own differences and merits. For compiled languages, they process faster on average when compared to scripting languages, and the compiler can assist in checking for bugs in the code before implementation. On the other hand, scripting languages allow for the testing and checking of code quickly and easily due to its interpreted nature.

Regardless of the language used the behavior is similar in web applications, where the program written by the language is used to respond to requests that come from a client. At the same time, each language comes with its own merits and frameworks, so it will be good to learn and choose a language that best fits the situation and your skill level.

Server-Side Programming

Learning Objectives

Most web applications like video services and e-commerce sites are written with at least one of the available server-side languages.

With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript alone (without runtimes), you could only create static web pages that would display the same to anyone who accessed the page. In order to create dynamic pages that meet user requests, you will need to learn about server-side language.

To use JavaScript as a server-side programming language, we would need a runtime like Node.js. But first, we need to learn about the basics of JavaScript! If you already know about the basics, you can skip the Beginner Level guide!

Learn from Here

We will be introducing JavaScript here. JavaScript is a language that conforms to the ECMAScript specifications and is a language that is often just-in-time compiled. In the past, JavaScript has mainly been used for client-side programming. Today, with runtimes like Node.js, it has become a very popular language for server-side programming in web applications too. Take a look below to learn about the basics of JavaScript.

  • Understanding the Basics of JavaScript

    Lexical Structure

    Using Variables



    Control Flows

    Loops and Iterations



    Local and Global Scopes


    Promises; async/await


    Handling Undefined Values

Recommended Materials

  1. JavaScript first steps - Learn web development | MDN

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